Soul-searching lyrics melodically soaring over eclectic rhythms

Our goal is to create a wide range of music across a wide range of genres, with meaningful lyrics that speak to and reflect every aspect of life. Whether it's love or heartbreak, depression or anxiety, grief or joy -- we have a song about it. And whether it's rock, pop, jazz, folk, funk, rap, or something fusion -- we have a song for that, too! We hope that no matter what you're into, you'll find something here that speaks to you.

Based in Eugene, Oregon, you can see us performing live around the Willamette Valley. Check out our upcoming events to see if there's a show happening near you!

A bit about the artists

Kalinda Bittner: singer, songwriter, guitarist, keyboardist.

Kalinda is a talented, classically trained singer, and has been writing music for over a decade. Growing up in Monterey, she performed in musicals during the school year and went to the Monterey Jazz Festival Summer Camp every summer, learning vocal jazz techniques before moving on to University of California Santa Cruz and studying opera. She's also been deeply influenced by artists across all genres, from indie rock to k-pop. Her first solo album, The Cabin Sessions, includes acoustic versions of over a dozen songs recorded in the Santa Cruz mountains back in 2016. You can find links to the album and all her social media here. In Kaleidoscopic, she provides the bones for the songs while her fellow musicians layer on the meat!

John Michalec: drummer, percussionist.

John is an accomplished drummer, having performed with musicians across the US. He studied and performed world music including West African, Arabic, Brazilian, Afro-Cuban, Hatian, and Carnatic music of South India. He combines these world rhythm influences with drum set playing focused on jazz, funk, and soul grooves. He pushes the group sound toward odd-meters, and layers in mesmerizing rhythmic counterparts.

Milo Brosamer: bassist.

Milo is a versatile, professional bassist. Originally from the Bay Area, he moved to Eugene to study History at the University of Oregon, and now plays in bands up and down the West Coast. His deep love of jazz has influenced his playing across all genres; and you can see him performing live in Eugene with Mommy, Hearing Loss, The Ganja Marines, Junk Box, and now Kaleidoscopic! Milo's taste for harmonic complexity adds a richness to the music that can't be ignored, while grooving lock-step with John's percussive drumming.

Steve Perry: saxophonist.

Steve is a tasty, unconventional saxophone player and a multitalented instrumentalist. He's been playing with bands on and off his whole life across the US, touring with more ska bands than he can count. His love of rock, jazz, ska, funk, and hip-hop clearly come through in his playing; he's currently performing around town in The Ganja Marines, Junk Box, and now with Kaleidoscopic. Here, his soaring melodies weep and cry with the music, weaving harmonies in and out seamlessly with the group. 

Lazarus Pearl: mandolin, singer.

Lazarus Pearl is a talented and accomplished singer-songwriter and drag artist based in Eugene. Blending their love of ethereal dream pop and glam with their love of thumping folk music, they have created their own original voice on the mandolin. In their solo work, their lyrics tussle with queerness, religiosity, and finding beauty in grief for our changing world. They've been the feature artist on the independent internet radio station KHLE | Hysterical Light Eugene, and their EP The Kingdom of God is a Whitewashed Tomb is out now! You can stream their music on Soundcloud, Spotify, and follow on Instagram. In Kaleidoscopic, they add yet another layer of drive, texture, and intensity to the musical landscape.


KALEIDOSCOPIC AT BUDDHA EYE TEMPLE Hello Kaleidoscopes! Long time no see! We have a gig coming up this FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6TH at 6pm. This wi...